RadioEteric 2.0 XP

RADIOETERIC 2.0 XP Professional ©


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By means of the radionic software program Radioeteric. 2.0 Xp Professional (9.6 Mb) - (extension of Radioeteric 1.0), it is possible to introduce, beyond the calculated radionic installment from the same program through a written objective, also until 7 witness-remedies (radionic photos) to convey on the subject, perfecting therefore whichever radionic emission at a distance and in presence. Moreover, in the program there are 70 particular radionic photos present in the database, which act as from vibrations witness-remedies for use, beyond n.9 relative radiesthetic tables to execute a radiestesic test by means of your  on a whichever subject for one vibration action.

radionic software


FIRST OF ALL IT IS NECESSARY TO PRINT IN COLORS ALL NINE TABLES RADIESTESICHE THAT ARE AVAILABLE INSIDE OF the PROGRAM, FOR WHICH YOU WILL FIND CLICKING  TO the POINT “I” – VIEW/PRINT Radiesthetic  Tables - These tables will serve in order to find through the pendulum the photo-remedy-witnesses which will be necessary to introduce in the box affixed “D to you” in order to generate the radionic emission by means of RadioEteric 2,0 Xp Professional.

radionic software program

Once printed you have printed the publication all the 9 Tables, you are ready in order to begin to try which radionic remedies are necessary for your subject, therefore you proceed like like this:

1) You take the “TABLE N. 1 - START”, put it on the table into the center of the witness subject to which you mean to carry out the radionic emission (photo, hair, etc.); let fall your pendulum on the barycentre of the table and over the witness, and you attend some seconds so that it is filled with its energy; once that has been stopped, you place “as an example” this question: ON WHICH TABLE IS FOUND THE FIRST REMEDY RADIONIC ADAPTED TO THE HEEL OF THE LIVER OF JHON SMITH? ”; to this point hang it for oscillation so that it will begin to move slowly indicating you the case of the “type” of radionic remedy more adapted to the subject; we make the example that  it has oscillated on “COLORS”.

2) To this point we know that the first remedy adapted to our subject must try between the colors, therefore we take the “TABLE N.2 - COLORS”, put it on the table on the center of the witness subject to which you mean to carry out the radionic emission (photo, hair, etc.); let fall your pendulum on the barycentre of the table and over the witness, and you attend some second so that it is filled with its energy; you hold it in sight to your left sheet where represents all the 16 colors that you have printed at the beginnig; once that it has stopped, you ask this question: WHICH OF THESE COLORS ARE MORE ADAPTED FOR THE HEEL OF LIVER OF JHON SMITH? ”; to this point you hang it for oscillation, so that it will begin to move slowly indicating the case to your correspondent “number” of the color of your list that you have to your left and that it will be the first radionic remedy more adapted to the subject; write it on a sheet of paper that you need in order to load it in the program before setting in action the therapy at a distance.

3) Now you can ask the question again on the “TABLE N. 1 - START”  to the point (1), proceeding in the same way and ask again the same question: “ON WHICH TABLE IT IS FOUND ACCORDING TO REMEDY RADIONIC ADAPTED FOR .....? ”; etc… etc… until a maximum of 7 times; if after some times when in this point you re-ask this question it doesn’t indicate some case, it wants to say that there are not any radionic remedies adapted to the subject.

4) Once you have found the radionic photos to use at a distance for the emission (not more than 7), you must load them within box relative (d), therefore in order to inside load the first photo click in the middle of the first box on the left; after some seconds the 70 radionic remedies will appear on your screen; once found the first photo head previously, click over it and automatically you will see it loaded in the box; gradually with the same procedure you load the headed photos; if they were less than 7, left empty one box so that it is left over.

5) now  you spread TABLE FOR MINUTES/HOURES from n.60 cases; let fall your pendulum, hang it on the barycentre of the table and you ask the following question: FOR HOW MANY MINUTES THE DAY DO I HAVE TO CARRY OUT THIS EMISSION? ”; if it is not stopped on some case turning to empty or remaining without any movement, you ask the following question: FOR HOW MANY HOURS THE DAY DO I HAVE TO CARRY OUT THIS EMISSION? ”; to this point oscillation will indicate you the number of the hours or minutes of every day radionic emission is needed; once known how many minutes or hours a day, you ask this question: FOR HOW MANY DAYS/WEEKS/MOUNTS DO I HAVE TO CARRY OUT THIS EMISSION OF DURATION xxx minutes/dayly hours”.

Of continuation the explanations of the use of the software:

radionic software professional program

Once characterized radiesthetics your radionic action to carry out on a whichever subject by means of Radioeteric 2,0 Xp, (to es.: JHON SMITH RECOVERS  OF LIVER), introduces up in box on the left (a) the written same action in this format:


(you write in capital and all attacking in order to give way to the program to generate the radionic installment)

Therefore click on “CONVERT/FORMULA “(b); it will appear to you low therefore in box to right (c) a number of 4 figures that corresponds to relative the radionic installment to the written intention; to this point click inside of box the Photo (e) and the photo loaded with the subject that will at a distance receive the treatment, while in the box up to right (f) in the first line introduces the name and last name of the subject that will receive the energy at a distance, in the second the date and the place of birth (and if you have it the timetable) and in the third line you write the residence address.

radionic software professional program

To this point you are ready in order to set in action all the system that you have end set up here, beginning the radionic sitting at a distance, therefore in order to start the radionic action, click on BEGINNING TREATMENT (g) and on IT QUALIFIES SENSOR (h); N.B.: by clicking on IT QUALIFIES SENSOR (h) is possible to carry out this treatment with present person, in this case the interested subject will have to keep to contact with the red circle blinking for all the period of the sitting with its hand; while setting in action the key BEGINNING TREATMENT (g) one set offs at a distance seated, however both push-buttons could be set in action at the same time are that the person is present or less. To hold set in action all for the time that you have previously tested; disabilited the screensaver, in how much the circuit emits energy only how much remains visible on your screen.



RadioEteric Xp 2.0 Professional



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